DIY Vermicomposting Bins and Water Bottle Gardening at Home

Come one, come all! Learn how to build a Worm Bin hands-on as part of the Food, Nutrition, and Basic Skills program sponsored by the A.S. Food Bank!

When: May 10, 5:30-6:30 PM

Where: Miramar Center @ Sierra Madre Apts.

555 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117

What’s it about?

Come by for an evening with us to learn how you can put your food scraps and old leftovers to good use! Instead of sending your food waste to the landfill, we’ll teach you how to inexpensively compost in small spaces like apartments. We’ll bring all the materials – newspaper, bins, and some food waste to get the bins started. Alongside our interactive build-a-worm-bin demonstration, we’ll show everyone how to upcycle plastic bottles into self-irrigating and indoor gardens where anything can be planted in the soil made by the worms. Water bottle gardens are a great way to reuse your plastic bottles before recycling them, and a no-cost alternative to store-bought planters. They can grow just about anything, from simple kitchen foods like lettuce or herbs, little houseplants, or your favorite flowers.

Attendees will also be entered to win one of the worm bins to take home and start vermicomposting at home.


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